from 1188 € per month
255 000,00 €
VIRTUAL TOUR - Big family house in Komárno - Nová Stráž
Location: Komárno
451 m²
565.41 €/m²
We offer for sale a nice completely renovated 4-room storey house with a garage in Komárno, in the Nová Stráž district. It is situated on a flat plot with an area of 451 square meters. It is located in a very pleasant quiet area.
Walk from the comfort of your home around the house through a virtual tour:
The house has two floors and a basement. A garage is attached to the house. The first floor consists of a vestibule, hallway, kitchen, living room and toilet. The 2nd floor consists of a hallway, three bedrooms and a bathroom. The house underwent a complete reconstruction in 2021, both in the interior and exterior, while the last completion works are currently being carried out.
We will be happy to provide you with more detailed information on the telephone number 0905886406 and we will help you with comprehensive advice, legal services and in choosing the best loan offer in the bank - free of charge.
- Obľúbená lokalita
Date of last update: 05.02.2024

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